Monday, March 19, 2007

Why This Copycat Blog isn't a Copycat Blog

Welcome to Screams and Whispers.

This was the name of an old blog of mine, taken from an inspired recording of the same name by a metal band called Anacrusis that seems to be forgotten by almost everyone but me. As before, this will be my venting source. It's not meant as a destructive forum, but dealing with the negative often means fighting through a lot that is genuinely destructive.

That's nothing special; a lot of blogs are similar. If you're reading this it's because you're probably familiar with my more legitimate writing elsewhere on the internet. I write about the automotive industry elsewhere, and this is not an automotive blog. I don't intend to talk shop here, except on an elemental level. There are some obvious things that I think I should get out of the way, but beyond that it's just me. If reading Ghrankenstein about Ghrankenstein is worthwhile to you, I'm genuinely touched, and I'm glad to hear from you.

The first item up for business is the incidental spawning. I'd been thinking about resurrecting my webjournal for quite a while, and in a few particularly high-anxiety episodes I actually sat down and started. The clincher is HoeyHimself's blog, since I had to create a blogger account to post there anyway. Killing two birds with one stone is efficient, and hey: free birds.



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